Found Dog Tips (Rural)
If You Have Found a Dog in Rural Manitoba
Please DO NOT feed the dog any food, just give it some water. This dog could have allergies, and feeding it food that is not part of its diet could make this dog very sick.
Please be aware that bringing a strange dog into your home can be a big decision even if it is only temporary. There may be a period of disruption, and you should be prepared for that.
If you have pets or children, keep the dog away until you have 100 % certainty that they will be safe.
Be aware that it is not unusual for it to be a few days and sometimes even weeks until the owner can be tracked down.
If you decide that you can adequately provide care for the dog until the owners are found
- Check for license or ID tag, or a tattoo
- Contact the local Animal Control Officer
- The owner of the dog likely will have filed a “Missing” report with them.
- Put a large FOUND DOG sign in front of your yard so that if the owners are out looking for their dog, they will know you have found it.
- If you are located outside town limits also put large FOUND DOG signs at the busiest roads near your home.
- Contact all neighbors and let them know you have found a dog
Spread the word far and wide. The more people that know the better the chances that the owner will be found.
Take the dog for a walk in town in case the owners are out looking. Do this frequently for however many days you have the dog in your care. Put flyers up in high traffic businesses (where permitted) such as: post office/community mail boxes, convenience stores,gas stations, community clubs, pet/animal supply stores, groomers, any/all community billboards.
- Contact your town office to let them know in case the owner contacts them.
- Contact all local Veterinary Clinics to file a report with them.
- Take the dog to the nearest Vet for a free scan for a microchip or to get help with tattoo identification.
- Post 2 ads on Kijiji. One under Pets, Lost/Found & one under Community “other”.
- Post ads on any Facebook buy and sell sites on the Internet for your area.
- Go to Winnipeg Humane Society website to submit a form & email a picture of the dog to:
- Contact the City of Winnipeg toll free @ 1- 877- 311-4974 in case this dog is registered with them.
- Contact radio stations to request an announcement on the air.
- Place an ad in the local community newspaper.
- If the owner is found, be sure to request proof of ownership.
- Acceptable proof is considered to be registration papers, a vet bill, adoption papers or family pictures with their pet, or have them identify something on the dog. Watch the dogs reaction to their voice or presence for a sign that indicates recognition.
- Please, once the owner is found, notify Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert and take down all posters & delete your Kijiji ads or any other ads you have placed.
Be Safe
If you are able to safely lure the dog and secure it, take it to the nearest Animal Control office, Veterinary Office, Rescue Shelter, or The Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS) during regular business hours.
After Hour Veterinary Clinics
Southglen Vet | 204-452-0077 (730 St. Anne’s Rd)
Plessis Vet | 204-691-8838 (17 – 1783 Plessis Ave.)
Pembina Vet | 204-452-9427 400 Pembina Hwy (Pembina Veterinary is open 24/7 for emergencies)
The above clinics will accept lost dogs after hours if they have available space for them. During business hours many clinics will also accept lost dogs to their facilities to ensure their safety. Either case, please call them first to make sure they have room.
If you have lost a dog and it is after regular business hours, contact these Vets as well in case someone has called them or dropped your dog off with them.