If Your Dog Is Missing in Rural Areas in Manitoba
- Immediately put a large MISSING DOG sign in front of your yard so that if someone is walking or driving around with your dog, they know where to find you.
- Place food, water, and familiar items outside, in the area where your dog went missing from, or was last seen….(e.g. Kennel, dog bed, blanket, your coat, or anything that has your scent on it)
- Talk to your neighbours, nearby residents. Ask them to check their yards, under their decks, garages, or any place an animal may be able to get into.
- Use popular social media sites to get the word out fast.
- Contact the following agencies as soon as possible to report it. Check in often and leave a picture, description of your dog, and your contact information with them.
- your local Animal Control Officer, if you don’t know the number, do a Google search for your R.M.
- in case your dog made it to Winnipeg go to Winnipeg Humane Society Lost/found site to submit a form and email a picture of your dog to reception@winnipeghumanesociety.ca
in case your dog made it to Winnipeg contact the City of Winnipeg toll free @ 1- 877- 311-4974. Alternatively, you can file a report at: http://winnipeg.ca/shared/htmlsnippets/MailForm.asp?Recipient=311
This is a necessary and important step as people who are driving down a highway and pick up a dog may bring it into the city and take it to one of those agencies.
- local veterinary clinics in the surrounding areas
Dept of Hwys 204-945-8955
Put large neon posters up in and around the area where your dog is missing from (see below)
Create your FREE flyer and social media links at www.helpinglostpets.com
Put flyers up in high traffic businesses (where permitted) such as:
post office/community mail boxes, veterinary offices, conv. stores, gas stations, pet/animal supply stores, groomers, hardware stores, community billboardsContact radio stations as they will sometimes broadcast missing pets.
Put an ad on Kijiji under – “Pets, Lost & Found”.
Important Notice
If your dog has been missing more than 1 day, make sure you contact your Animal Control Officer daily.
It is critical that you contact them daily or go in person as they will only hold a dog for 3 days if they have no I.D. Dogs are generally placed into the adoption program after the 3rd day if no contact is made with an owner.
Please, once your dog is found, take down all posters, notify all agencies & delete all ads.
After Hour Veterinary Clinics
Southglen Vet | 204-452-0077 (730 St. Anne’s Rd)
Plessis Vet | 204-691-8838 (17 – 1783 Plessis Ave.)
Pembina Vet | 204-452-9427 400 Pembina Hwy (Pembina Veterinary is open 24/7 for emergencies)
The above clinics will accept lost dogs after hours if they have available space for them. During business hours many clinics will also accept lost dogs to their facilities to ensure their safety. Either case, please call them first to make sure they have room.
If you have lost a dog and it is after regular business hours, contact these Vets as well in case someone has called them or dropped your dog off with them.